The Town's Plan Commission oversees land use decisions throughout the Town.
The Plan Commission usually meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meeting times and dates may vary - please check the posted agendas for accurate details. All meetings are open to the public.
Agendas and Minutes
Click here to view upcoming or past meetings or here to sign up for meeting notifications.​ The agenda may be amended 24 hours prior to the meeting. Meeting minutes are unofficial.
Plan Commission Members
Jim Molloy - Chair
Diane Farsetta
Lorraine Gardner
Marissa DeGroot
Walt Jackson
Kim Van Brocklin
Roz Gausman - TB
George Corrigan - Alternate
​​Staff Contact
For questions or information or if you wish to have an item posted in the agenda, contact Kelsey Shepperd, Land Use and Conservation Manager, at (608) 838-1081 ext. 2 or kshepperd@townofdunnwi.gov.