Choose from these payment methods:
1. Pay by Check: Make checks out to the Town of Dunn. Mail checks or place in our drop box located outside of the front of the Town Hall. Our address is 4156 County Highway B, McFarland, WI 53558.
2. Pay Online with a Credit or Debit Card: Visit AllPaid.com. Enter the pay location code of 8431 for permits. Then select the Town of Dunn. (Note: Online payment convenience fees may vary.)
3. Pay by Phone with a Credit or Debit Card: An AllPaid agent will be able to assist you with making an online payment. A small service fee is charged for the transaction. Please call 1-888-604-7888 to make a payment over the phone.
4. Pay By Cash: If you can only pay by cash, call the Town Hall to make an appointment.
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