A variety of parks and open spaces exist throughout the Town of Dunn. Public open space areas include large parcels of conservancy, small mini-parks, minimally developed neighborhood parks, active use County parks, several lake access and boat launch sites, a few greenways in between residential housing, and sizeable areas of open water. The Town owns 36 sites; Dane County owns several sites; the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Nature Conservancy of Wisconsin, Inc. also owns land in the Town. Please be aware that all Town PDR properties are not open to the public. There are no unauthorized motor vehicles or no horses allowed. Dogs must be on a leash at all times and pet waste must be picked up and properly disposed of.
Town Parks and Open Space Plan Update
The Town Board approved an update to the Town Parks and Open Space Plan on December 21, 2020. Such an update occurs every five years. You can view the update here.
Need Help Finding a Park? Click below to bring up the park on Google Maps:
Please clean up after and keep your pets leashed on Town Parks. The Town has received numerous complaints of dogs running loose and pet waste not being clean up. Many of our parks are conservancy lands that are home to prairie plants and birds. Unleased dogs also interfere with walkers and have gone on private properties.
Motorized vehicles, including snowmobiles and ATVs, are not allowed in Town Parks or on Town property. Please only use designated and approved routes.
Town property is not to be used for storage of private property or other private use.
2024 Native Prairie Prescribed Burning
Conditions and weather permitting, spring prescribed prairie burns may occur at Town parks. Prescribed burning helps maintain healthy prairie ecosystems by stimulating native plant growth and controlling woody vegetation and invasive species. Not only is it one of the most efficient management tools, it’s also the most cost effective!