The Town of Dunn will be happy to assist you with obtaining a building permit or with any building permit questions.
1. Fill out the appropriate application: (click on name for form)
Town of Dunn Driveway Permit (required for all new homes and wrecks and rebuilds)
Town of Dunn New Home Permit (Additional requirements listed on the application. DSPS application below also required to be submitted)
Link to DSPS Online Building Permit (For new homes only)
All projects must comply with the Town of Dunn Building Ordinance, Driveway Ordinance, and Mailbox Policy.
2. Submit the application form, detailed project description, copy of any applicable blueprints, site plan, and copies of any applicable Dane County permits to kshepperd@townofdunnwi.gov or 4156 County Road B, McFarland, WI. There is a dropbox located by the mailbox at the Town Hall. Please note: Electronic copies of the blueprints are preferred so quality is not lost when submitted to the Inspector. If electronic copies are not available, please submit plans that are on a standard-size, 8.5''x11'', piece of paper. Please include both pages 1 and 2 of any Dane County permits.
3. Pay the Permit Fee. Permit fees are calculated upon submission of the building permit application. Click here for a list of payment methods.
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