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Land Use Documents
Town of Dunn Comprehensive Plan - Amended August 15, 2016
Town of Dunn Comprehensive Plan (Adopted December 2006, Amended April 21, 2008)

Maps for Comprehensive Plan

  • Chapter 2 Future Land Use Map

  • Chapter 3 Environmentally Sensitive Lands Map

  • Chapter 6 Utilities Service Area Map

  • Kegonsa LSA Map

  • Waubesa LSA Map

Town of Dunn Land Use Plan (Sept. 1998)   

Town of Dunn Land Use Plan (1987)

Town of Dunn Land Use Plan (1986)

Town of Dunn Land Use Plan (1979)

Open Space Preservation Handbook

Town's Open Space Resource

  • Part 1 (pg. 5-18)

  • Part 2 (pg. 19-28)

Open Space Functions
Tools for Preservation

  • Part 1 (pg. 39-54)

  • Part 2 (pg. 55-64)

Study Area Analysis

Woodland Evaluation Field Sheets

  • Part 1 (pg. 1-16)

  • Part 2 (pg. 17-42)

  • Wetlands of Dane County, Wisconsin Maps and Analysis

  • Sample Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans and Model Ordinance

​Open Space Preservation Handbook


Books by Dr. Joy Zedler, town resident and Aldo Leopold Professor Emerita, UW-Madison

Land Use Articles and Documents

 Official Website for the Town of Dunn, Dane County, Wisconsin. All Rights Reserved.

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