The State of Wisconsin's New Comprehensive Planning Legislation requires municipalities to prepare Comprehensive Plans that address the following 9 elements:
Issues and Opportunities
Utilities and Community Facilities
Agricultural, Cultural and Natural Resources
Economic Development
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Land Use
The Town started the comprehensive planning process on July 21, 2003, with the adoption of public participation procedures. The Town received a grant from Dane County to help cover the costs of preparing the Plan. In 2003 and 2004 the Town used focus groups, surveys, and a visioning workshop to gather input.
Notice of the May 17, 2006, Open House to review the Draft Comprehensive Plan was mailed to all Town residents. Comments on the Draft Plan were accepted through June 5, 2006. The Town's Smart Growth Committee and Plan Commission reviewed and replied to comments.
The final Draft Plan was reviewed by Dane County and presented to the State and the Town's municipal neighbors for review.
On December 18, 2006, the Town adopted the Comprehensive Plan by resolution. On February 19, 2007 the Town adopted the same Comprehensive Plan by ordinance (Ord.12.6).
From October 2003 through April 2004 Dunn staff conducted focus groups to help develop questions for the community survey and get in-depth input on Town issues. Focus groups included: lake residents, subdivision and mobile home residents, farmers, businesses, and outside user groups.
Focus Group Summary Reports
A survey was mailed to all Dunn households in February/March 2004. Surveys were sent to 2,125 households. 804 were returned for a response rate of 37.8%
Survey Results, April 2004
Land Use Links