Application for Appointment to Committee/Commission: (Fillable pdf, you may either mail the application to the Town Hall or click the "Submit" button on the top of the form to e-mail the form to the Town Hall) or email to townhall@townofdunnwi.gov.
Application for Emergency Volunteer Group: Please submit an application to townhall@townofdunnwi.gov or mail to the Town Hall at 4156 County Road B, McFarland, WI 53558.
Building Permit Application: Please submit the application and application requirements to kshepperd@townofdunnwi.gov. Permit fees will be calculated after submission.
2025 Dog License Application: Neutered dogs are $20.00, un-neutered dogs are $30.00. A $5.00 late charge will be charged for all delinquent licenses issued after March 31). Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and the completed license will be mailed to you. Please submit an application to azacharias@townofdunnwi.gov or mail to the Town Hall.
Driveway Permit or Resurfacing Application: Please submit the application and site plan to kshepperd@townofdunnwi.gov or mail to the Town Hall. Fees will be calculated after submission.
Fireworks Permit Application: Firework permits are free. Please submit the application to townhall@townofdunnwi.gov.
Highway Excavation Application: Submit the application and additional requirements to azacharias@townofdunnwi.gov
Internment Application: Prior to burial, the Town must receive a completed Application for Internment and a grave marking fee of $50.00. Please submit the application to azacharias@townofdunnwi.gov or mail it to the Town Hall.
Land Division Application: Please submit application to bkollenbroich@townofdunnwi.gov or mail it to the Town Hall.
New Home Permit Application: Please submit the application and additional requirements to kshepperd@townofdunnwi.gov. Permit fees will be calculated after submission. DSPS online application must also be submitted.
Operator's/Bartender's License Application: Please submit the application to azacharias@townofdunnwi.gov or mail to the Town Hall.
Outdoor Furnace Permit Application: Please submit the application to townhall@townofdunnwi.gov or mail to the Town Hall.
Rezone/CSM/CUP Application: Please submit application to bkollenbroich@townofdunnwi.gov or mail it to the Town Hall.
Road Event Application: For events that use Town roads or parks. Please submit the application to Andrea at azacharias@townofdunnwi.gov or mail to the Town Hall.
Regular Short-Term Rental Application
Please submit the application to townhall@townofdunnwi.gov or mail it to the Town Hall along with additional required documents.​​
Short Term Rental Quarterly Report Form - PDF: Please submit report forms to townhall@townofdunnwi.gov.
Solar Permit Application: For proposed solar installations with a total solar panel surface area, including framing, of 2,000sq. ft or greater on properties 2 acres or larger; or 1,000sq. ft. or greater on properties smaller than 2 acres. Please submit application to bkollenbroich@townofdunnwi.gov or mail it to the Town Hall. A Town of Dunn Building permit is required for ANY solar array system, regardless of size.
Special Assessment Form: $20.00 fee per parcel. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and the completed certificate will be mailed to you. Otherwise, include a fax number and/or email address with your request). Please submit the Town of Dunn special assessment form to mliebig@townofdunnwi.gov or mail to the Town Hall at 4156 County Road B, McFarland, WI 53558.
Wrecking Permit Application: Wrecking permits are $45.00 each. Please submit the application and application requirements to kshepperd@townofdunnwi.gov or mail to the Town Hall.